April 2020


I hope everyone is well and staying healthy. Arizona received an update yesterday as to the new mandates and it looks like things are remaining the same for a while longer. As to performances, the read I’m getting from venues owners is that they are taking this as it comes and taking it one day ay a time. There might be some light at the end of the tunnel with the possible releasing of restrictions on May 12th. I do have venue owners that want to start back with entertainment ASAP. I will be sending out updates as I get more details.

In the meantime, I will be streaming live on Sundays at 9am (MST). Please join me for “Sunday Coffee Music” on this page. One hour of original instrumental acoustic guitar music. Share it and tell your friends!

This downtime has provided me the perfect opportunity to work on stuff I’ve needed to implement for some time. I have a Youtube channel with videos and and Instagram page. If you subscribe to these you will get updates when I publish new videos as well as performance updates. I appreciate your support during these difficult times and look forward to getting back out and playing music for the masses!

Thank you,
