Coming Home

IMG_0521I’ve come to learn that there are times when you need to, as they say, ‘stop and smell the roses’.  Our summer vacation was the perfect opportunity to do so.  We had a great time visiting family and friends, catching up with people we haven’t seen since moving to Phoenix ten years ago, as well as taking the time to spend quality moments with the kids.  For me, it was somewhat of a working vacation.  I had the chance to play some of the rooms I love to perform in, as well as play some new venues.  All I can say is that I appreciate your support for continuing to come see me play.  We’ve been gone five weeks and are looking forward to coming back home.  I do have to say that over the past 4-5 years of coming back to Ohio, this has been the most perfect weather of all the summers – none of that oppressive humidity and scorching heat!  Today we’re packing things up and we leave tomorrow.  No rest for the weary as it’s back to the grind for me.  Check the August schedule as I’m playing some new rooms and have some band gigs with both The Other Brothers and the Pete Cummings Band.  Hope to see you at a show!