Tips and Tricks

IMG_0117I’m always on the lookout for new acoustic guitar pickups and I’m always swapping systems in and out of my instruments in order to find the best tone.  I’ve been struggling for some time in trying to get the sub bass strings of my J. Thomas Davis harp guitar to sound the way I want and my journey has finally come to an end with the discovery of Dazzo pickups!

In my opinion, most contact transducers on the market tend to lack the headroom before feedback as well as low-end bass response.  I can tell you that the Dazzo transducers surpass this in both areas.  I’m stunned at the amount of bass response without the low-end rumble you can get on stage and the clarity of the high-end frequencies is phenomenal.

While the installation can be a little tricky, what impressed me the most is that when I called for technical assistance the owner of the company picked up the phone!  Teddy Randazzo Jr took the extra time and effort to help me in making sure I was completely satisfied with the results.  Believe me, I’ve tried almost every pickup on the market and when I called other companies with technical questions, NEVER have I been able to speak with the owner of the company!

Teddy makes different sized transducers, by hand, for all sorts of stringed instruments and I highly recommend you check out his web site for more information.

Stay tuned!